Recipe Developer

I often work as a recipe and product development consultant for the food industry in Denmark. Having a passion for providing consumers with the knowledge and desire to try new products, I find that product and recipe development is an extremely effective way to communicate various messages from food producers and organizations to their customers. COOP, the Organic Land Association, The Fishing Industry, OBH and others make up my client base in Denmark.

Cookbook author for OBH Nordica  

In collaboration with OBH Nordica, I have written a series of cookbooks under the title “Kysters Madværksted.” Consumers can find inspiration in easy-to-master recipes for cooking with OBH Nordica products.

The series includes Coastal Food Workshop, Coastal Food Workshop - Sous Vide and Coastal Food Workshop - Grill.

Recipe developer on meal boxes for COOP  

I have taken part in developing recipes for COOP's new investment in subscription meals boxes. The meal boxes contain everything you need to make dinner for 3 or 4 days for 2 or 4 people.

The consumer can choose between different types of meal boxes and “The Curious,” with exciting dishes from all over the world, is the meal box I have helped create. Targeting consumers who love surprises and possibly already have many different spices and ingredients; the recipes for The Curious are exotic, easy to understand and full of flavor.

Recipe developer for The Organic Society  

The Organic Society requested a series of recipes based on the preparation of organ meat. Many consumers have bad memories of cold hearts in brown sauce or liver as hard as a leather sole. But with the right cooking methods and easy recipes, we can rediscover guts as a delicacy.

With inspiration from the world's kitchen and in line with contemporary food trends, these recipes create an awareness of The Organic Society and contribute to their message of sustainable production and consumption without seeing raised index fingers.

Updates focusing on new food trends  

Each year a few raw materials becoming popular and form new food trends. In 2018 the major trend was vegetables so I developed a recipe using deep-fried spring onions with hemp flour for Mad & Bolig.

Hemp is something most people associate with hash cookies and joints, but it also contains omega 3, omega 6 and is full of protein. Don’t worry, getting high only happens if you eat a whole bunch of it.

16 spring onions
2 dl hemp seed
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 dl apple juice
1 red chili
1 lemon u / sprayed shell and juice

Dough for deep drawing:
1 dl hemp
flour 1 dl wheat flour
2 dl milk
2 eggs
1 tablespoon sugar
1 teaspoon salt
6 dl vegetable oil for deep drawing

Contact me

If you have questions, want to book a meeting or have an idea for a project; I would love to hear from you.

+45 2681 4578

Or fill out the simple form below and I will reply to you as soon as possible.

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