Carsten Kyster - Recipes
Recipes. Enjoy
Grilled beets with Miso butter
Grilled beets with Miso butter. Miso is a traditional Japanese pasta packed with vitamins, proteins and minerals.
Beetroot spaghetti with soy / lime dressing
Beetroot spaghetti with soy / lime dressing.
Baked Beets in hay with quincepuré
Eat the baked beets with quince puree or sour cream and good bread as an appetizer.
Baked Rhubarb
Basic recipe for baked rhubarbIn the sweet kitchen, add 10 tablespoons of sugar, for a dish in the salty kitchen, use 5 tablespoons.
Giving tips on how to use known ingredients in a new way and providing a twist on traditional recipes is what I like to focus on most as a food writer. I have written guides like “fixing the perfect New Year’s menu,” “mastering techniques at the grill,” etc.
Taste and curiosity are essential for being a successful food writer. From Skagen to Syndey, I find my inspiration all over the world.
Developing useful recipes for readers craving something new or are longing for surprising compositions of available raw materials is the trick to excellent food writing.
As a chef I have always traveled around the world gathering culinary inspiration, recipes and knowledge. And as a writer I take pleasure in gathering inspiration from some of the world’s best restaurants, bars and cafes.
Through my writing and research I have found joy in giving tips for cookware, commodity shopping and new international food trends.
These passions have also brought me success as a travel writer; giving me the chance to report on local food traditions, specialties and recipes from diverse destinations like South Africa, Brazil, Thailand and Knuthenlund.
Cookbook Athor
Chop Chop / Simply: Food with 5 Ingredients / Kitchen Time / The hunt for the Good Taste / Coasters’ Food Workshop / Funky Everyday Food / Harry’s Kitchen: Cooking at Children’s Height / World Food from Your Local Ethnic Grocery Store / Good Brew, Good Food / Spice Snack and What Belongs To . More are coming…
Contact me
If you have questions, want to book a meeting or have an idea for a project; I would love to hear from you.
+45 2681 4578
Or fill out the simple form below and I will reply to you as soon as possible.